Fresh From the Lab: AMPS 4.3

  Jun 5, 2015   |      Dirk Myers

amps indexing composite messages

File sharing: the first (and last?) great IT problemAt 60East, we’ve been heads down in the lab, mixing up new ingredients to bring you the future of messaging today. We’ve just released AMPS

This release focuses on extending the futuristic capabilities we introduced in AMPS 4.0, making AMPS even better!

Here are just a few of the new ingredients in AMPS

  • Composite message types allow you to combine multiple types of data in a single message type. Among other uses, this feature lets you take advantage of the full flexibility and extensiblity of AMPS content filtering, while letting you control how AMPS parses a message.
  • Hash indexing for topics that maintain a State-of-the-World (SOW) database. You can now explicitly create hash indexes over SOW topics. AMPS hash indexes are a lightweight way to optimize common SOW queries. Hash indexes provide a significant performance boost for a query that uses them, with almost no degradation of publish performance. When a hash index is present, AMPS transparently uses the index for queries wherever possible.
  • Explicitly keyed SOW topics let you create SOW topics with an application-provided SOW key. This gives you the ability to create SOW topics over unparseable message types (such as unparsed binary) or to let the application define what makes a record unique, regardless of the data in the message.
  • Replication Compression can significantly reduce the bandwith required for AMPS replication. This is enabled with a simple configuration change on the publishing instance.
  • Persistent Journal Indexing can dramatically speed up recovery times for instances recovering large journal files. Rather than parsing each journal file to build an index of the messages in the file, AMPS now persists the index for the journal, reducing the recovery time.

These are just some of the improvements available in this release. AMPS 4.3 is available for download now – give it a try!

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